A unique life deserves a unique farewell
Arranging a funeral? Call us 085-0475508 (24/7). English available.

International Funeral - Expats

We arrange the entire funeral

RememberMe stands for a funeral with a personal touch. This means we arrange the funeral exactly as you envision it. We listen to your wishes and create the perfect service tailored to fit your budget. With our guiding motto, “nothing is mandatory; everything is possible”, we ensure your final goodbye reflects who you or your loved one was. Together, we’ll explore the options for a personal farewell that aligns with your budget. You can reach us 24/7 for a funeral in Rotterdam and the surrounding area at 085-0475508. We’re able to organize the entire funeral service in English, including consultations and all arrangements.

Arranging a funeral? Call us 085-0475508 (24/7).

English-speaking funeral director available.

Call085 0475508 (24/7)
Our Principles

Your wishes at the center

A personal approach

Transparent pricing

A funeral with a specific theme

Nothing is mandatory, anything is possible

Your wishes at the center

We offer a fitting farewell, where loved ones can look back with a warm feeling. Would you prefer the service in a funeral home, a country estate or at home? Coffee with a sweet treat or wine with something savory? These and many other questions will be addressed in the meeting with the funeral director.

arrange funeral
arrange funeral

A personal approach

Are you looking to arrange a personalized funeral with an English-speaking funeral director in Rotterdam, The Netherlands? RememberMe offers complete funeral services in English, designed for those who prefer to communicate in English or for families traveling from abroad to say goodbye to a loved one in Rotterdam and the surrounding area. We take a very personal approach, working closely with you to ensure every detail is handled with care, respect, and sensitivity to your unique needs and preferences. Our team is here to support you every step of the way, from initial planning through to the day of the farewell, making the process as smooth and comforting as possible.

Transparent pricing

At RememberMe, one of our core principles is open and transparent communication regarding options and pricing. We always make sure to stay within your stated budget and are happy to present choices that cost more or less based on your preferences. From the very beginning, we’ll work closely with you to establish a budget and provide clear options that respect your financial limits. Our goal is to give you peace of mind, knowing that we’ll create a meaningful farewell within your desired budget.

arrange funeral
arrange funeral

Nothing is mandatory, anything is possible

We believe that every farewell should be as unique as the person it honors. For us, no request is too unconventional—if you can imagine it, we’ll go above and beyond to make it happen. We collaborate with a wide range of trusted partners and specialized companies, allowing us to accommodate almost any request you may have. Whether you’re seeking a traditional ceremony or something more unconventional, we’re here to make sure your farewell reflects your wishes and personality. With us, the possibilities are endless, and we’re dedicated to making your vision a reality.

Arrange a funeral with a specific theme

To give you a sense of the possibilities, we offer a selection of themed funerals for your consideration. These examples showcase the many ways in which we can create a service that truly reflects your loved one’s unique personality and interests. Whether it’s an elegant farewell, a nature-inspired ceremony or a celebration centered around a beloved hobby, we can tailor each element to bring your vision to life. Of course, in addition to themed services, we provide a wide variety of other personalized options, allowing you to create a one-of-a-kind farewell that honors your loved one in the most meaningful way.

arrange funeral

Arranging a funeral in the Netherlands? Check out our tips!

Also check out our tips below to get ideas on how to plan specific aspects of the funeral. Think of writing the funeral card, catering ideas, advice for giving a speech, beautiful examples of funeral music, and meaningful quotes and poems.


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